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Cheshunt golf Cheshunt Golf Club
Cheshunt golf Cheshunt Golf Club

To book a tee time to play on the Cheshunt Park Golf Course, please call the Golf Shop on 01992 624009.

The Cheshunt Golf Club is a private members golf club situated on the Cheshunt Park Golf Course.


The Clubhouse was originally built in 1625 and was formerly known as "Elm Farm Cottages" and officially opened in June 1979.

Clubhouse opening hours are midday to 11.30 pm Monday to Saturday and midday to 10.00 pm on Sunday.


We are a small friendly club and welcome new members.


We play on Cheshunt Park Golf Course, which is an 18 hole, par 71, 6,635 yard course. It was designed by Donald Hawtree in 1971 and is situated within the 232 acres of Cheshunt Park.

There is also a 9 bay driving range.

To find out more about The Cheshunt Golf Club, call or email us but we would prefer you to visit and see the Club and Course for yourself.

World Handicapping System

See England Golf WHS privacy notice here

Your handicap index can be used on Cheshunt, or any other course, as long as you know the slope rating.

To know the handicap you should be using at Cheshunt, lookup your handicap index on the tables below :

White tees

Yellow Tees

Men's Red tees

Ladies red tees

Safeguarding policies

Our polices are below :

Safeguarding young people and children 

Safeguarding adults

UK Coaching certificate of attendance 

Our Disciplinary procedure is here (PDF

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy is here (PDF)


9th March 2025 - Dom Mansi - hole in 1 on 7th hole - par 3 - congratulations.


September :


Men's : Presidents Putter

            Winners - Division 1 & overall - Ryan Thorne

                            Division 2 - John Marshall, Division 3 - Kevin Lake

             Team event - Winners - Presidents team (on countback from the holders - Seniors team)

             Captains Day (re-run) - Division 1 - Ryan Thorne, Division2 - Bernie Ulatwski (overall winner)

                                                   Division 3 - James Gannon

             Mixed Stableford - John Marshall


Seniors : Retained the "Jim Morris" trophy vs. Crews Hill

               "W" (winner of most point in Interclub matches) trophy was Steve Clark

               Ralph Langsdale - Winner - Dom Mansi


August :

Men's :   Nationwide Trophy - Winner - Barrie Barnes

              Club championship - Winner - Paul Jones

Seniors : Vets Championship - Winner - Bernie Ulatowski

                Captains away day - Winner - John Sack

July :

Men's :  Mixed medal - Winner - Ray Smith

             Carnival Cup - Winner - Division 1 - John Ayres

                                                    Divison 2 - Leeroy Green

              Veterans Championship - Bernie Ulatowski


Seniors : Ron Spriggs - Winner - John Marshall

               Captains Day - Winner - Rai Liiv

               Past Captains Cup - Winner - Colin Whiteside

June :


Men's :      Sovereign Cup - Winner - Division 1 - Dan Stannard, Winner Division 2 - Dave Thompson

                  Mixed medal - Winner - Division 1 - Jack Challis, Winner Division 2 - Peter Jemal

                  Charles Featley - Winner - Division 1 - Kevin Theobald, Winner Division 2 - Del Read

                  Jubilee Cup - Mark Hall-Pearson

Seniors : Hugh McHugh - Winner - Steve Thorne


For older Cheshunt golf news, please click here

The Cheshunt Golf Club -                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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